Am I having fun yet?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Am I having fun yet?


“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Have you ever noticed what happens to you when you’re asked to do something new? Do you get anxious or fearful? Does your heart start to beat just a little faster? Do you argue with yourself about whether or not you can do it and say yes anyway but with trepidation?

I suppose some of you simply look at the situaion as exciting and a wonderful challenge – which by the way will cause most of the same symptoms but are translated as excitement. I only wish…

I was asked to take on a new role – at least make a proposal for it – and although I felt it would be great fun once I was into it – the getting into it caused me to question my ability to do the job. Was I capable of learning the ins and outs of the job? Was the rate I was quoting reasonable? Am I worth it? There are professionals out there doing the same thing? Can I do as a good a job? Emotions, doubt, confusion, anxiety. Stop already!

One thing I have learned over the years is to step back from the emotion and being so subjective. I have learned that looking at a situation objectively – from a less than emotional perspective always gave me new insight, fresh ideas and a sense of calmness I otherwise wouldn’t know. What are the facts? What are some options? Is it something I really want to do versus my ego saying yes simply because I was asked? Will it be fun? What steps would need to be taken to begin? So what? Could I learn using my own resources? Is there someone I can talk it through with that I trust? And – is beating myself up working for me!?!

Today I realized how many times I have felt fearful or anxious only to come to the realization that what appeared to be overwhelming and challenging was in fact relatively simple or quite learnable.

It’s all about perspective! It’s rarely an either/or situation. Reaching out to someone is a sign of resilience and a good thing. So – I’m going to play now and see how easy it really is going to be – and fun to boot! And let’s see how the Universe Unfolds…

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