Only One Step Ahead…

Recently I experienced yet another self-development shift and deep self-awareness.  This time it was about facing my fear of not believing I was good enough professionally.  Through a lot of synchronicity (surprise!) I found Max Simon ( who told me that in order to build a business the first thing we need to understand is that we only need to be one step ahead.   What??!!  It’s that easy!  All these years I’ve allowed my fear to stop me from significantly building my business because I felt I had to be perfect, had to learn more, get more certifications and training.  Whoa!!!

Since then I decided to retire.  It would seem all that meant was making a mind shift from ‘have to’ to a position of choice.  What that means of course, is that since I released attachment to the outcome of being successful (whatever that meant!), the Universe began offering me wonderful opportunities that may not otherwise have presented themselves.  Now any work I do towards building on these opportunities is more like play.  The Universe really does Unfold, folks!

As a result of the new opportunities that have come my way (and continue to), I realized in spite of my coaching expertise, what I am really meant to do is to teach.  I knew that at my core yet for some reason I didn’t believe that anyone would want me to do workshops and presentations on areas that I am passionate about.  Lo and behold, they do.  And I am having a ball!  Now it all seems so obvious…  Gosh, what we do to ourselves when we remain attached to our outcomes!  (To learn more about that check out Deepak Chopra’s book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – The Law of Detachment

So – how do you feel about your ability to create opportunities to do what you are passionate about?

And The Universe Unfolds…

Blessings and much love,



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