Ask and It Is Given!

I’ve been ‘adulting’ most of my life, including too much of my childhood. It’s tiring and even lonely too much of the time.

You’ve heard of ‘Ask and it is given?’ Well – I did. At the beginning of the year I asked Source/Creator/God and my Angels for some friends who would accept and approve of me exactly as I am, women I can be myself with, without having to be careful what I say or do, and preferably like-minded but not an absolute. You know the kind – those that simply accept you without condition.

Magic! They arrived almost immediately. It was overwhelming at first. I still have to pause at the love, acceptance, and approval I have from these awesome women – most of them are two to three decades younger than I am.

I know that in order for me to have attracted these phenomenal women in my life, I had to be in a place where I am comfortable accepting and approving of my Self – and loving myself. These women have enhanced my life enormously. There is never a criticism or a judgment. Pure acceptance. And hugs! So many real tight loving hugs! Who knew this was possible?! I still pinch myself – ‘is this real?’

I have learned that I can play again, jump in puddles, watch movies such as The Ever Ending Story (awesome!!!) Narnia, Mr. McGorium and the Wonder Emporium, Peter Pan, and others – and watch with a child’s eyes being reminded of the most important life lessons at the same time – lessons we forget as we learn to ‘adult’.

I can believe in fairies, Angels, unicorns. What?! Yes! I actually pretend to see them – and then I do. My imagination is growing beyond my belief of possibilities. That’s what happens when we let go of outcomes and control. Anything can happen and almost always way beyond what we can possibly imagine.

Why do we give up on playfulness, and pretending? Culture? Other people’s expectations? Societal expectations? Life hard knocks and experiences? I suspect that is a big one. Not anymore! It’s not even ‘not anymore’. It feels like the first time for me. And I have to say – it’s f…in awesome. (My 2 new favourite words! :))

I think it’s important to find out why we are afraid to really ask for what we really want. Is it fear that we are beyond it or that we don’t deserve it or someone might think it’s silly? We’ve learned the adult stuff – that we have to be tough, to be an adult, ‘mature’, we have responsibilities. In my mind now, we need to feed our souls, every day – and learning how to playful, to be child-like again with no fear, ‘living in joy’ moments, – all doable when we are in choice. And we are always in choice.

So welcome to my new world – of playfulness, of pretend, of fun, of so much love. I hope you can find yours, too. Ask and it is given. The important part when asking is letting go of the outcome! Trust!

Have a glorious day…

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