
I learned some time ago about how women in caveman days, tended the fire – owned the fire.  They determined who could and would be invited to the fire. These women owned their power. Each person had to earn their place, their role, their contribution, to share the fire.

Tribes today can be the same as then. People who have earned to right to be part of the tribe. People who respect one another, know their role, their place in the tribe, their contribution. They own it.

Today, all to often, women don’t own their power. They give it away. They go into blame mode for the misery in their lives. It’s someone or something else’s fault for their unhappiness. They don’t own their fire. They allow others to influence what they think, do and say. They gossip. They cry. They are depressed. They get sick or develop pain that sometimes is crippling. Because they don’t own their power. They don’t tend to their fire.

They lose their position in the tribe, either by choice or by consequence when they expect others to fulfill their perception of what they need to feel right and good about themselves… When they go into blame mode instead of taking responsibility for their lives – by looking within to find where they need to be healed. By getting the help they need, if necessary.

We can love them still. We can love them unconditionally and accept them for who and what they are -because we own our fire. We know who we are. We are love…as are they at their core. And as Eckhart Tolle says: “We can love someone but we don’t have to have lunch with them.”

Does this mean they can never earn their place back into the tribe? Of course not. But it will have to be earned, just like the rest of the tribe. It may take time and courage. And it’s doable. Inner work. Meditation. Facing the truth of who they are. Because whatever they see as wrong in someone else is really a reflection of themselves. Love the mirror! It doesn’t always show us what we want to see and hear. But when we learn to listen, to see, then we can evolve into the love that we are. We are all love at our core. Learning to tap into that can be quite the journey – but I promise you. It is SO worth it.

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